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Coastal investment will boost tourism

'Blue New Deal' policies to improve marine and coastal areas

Date : 07/07/2015

A report by the UK’s leading social, economic and environmental think-tank has identified the need to revitalise Scottish coastal towns which will result in a boost to local economies and tourism.

The report published by the New Economics Foundation (NEF) suggests that investment opportunities and job creation, along with better management of coastal areas could improve the environment and generate further responsible tourism opportunities, which in the past have suffered from under-investment.

Launching their ‘Blue New Deal’, NEF has identified five key policy areas that will improve the health of marine and coastal ecosystems and meet the economic, social and environmental challenges that coastal communities face. These include sustainable fisheries, innovative coastal management, renewable energy, responsible tourism and re-connecting people with nature.

Fernanda Balata, Project Lead for Coastal and Marine Environment at NEF said: “The coast and seas are assets to our society, and we want to see thriving communities full of happy, active people who are able to enjoy and benefit from healthy seas. We want to open a conversation with coastal communities to share ideas and plan development in their areas which will deliver better value to them and to wider society. Our vison includes innovative approaches to coastal management which will boost coastal tourism and related activities.”

Analysis in the report also identifies that better management of fish stocks could create 4,922 new jobs across the UK. NEF plan to develop an action plan which will include working with national government departments and entrepreneurs to develop their recommendations into practical actions.

Scotland is often described as one of the top sailing destinations in the world and there are opportunities to engage your business with visitors looking to take to the water. Our Sailing Tourism in Scotland guide will help you identify how you can engage with these visitors.